Oil Painting with Knives
Creative Arts Center | STUART , VA
APR 23
As a part of the "Two Perspectives: From the Land Up" exhibit at Reynolds Homestead Creative Arts Center, Lois Stephens will lead this oil painting workshop on Saturday, April 23 from 10 AM to 12 PM. With two painting knives (no brushes to clean!) and four colors of oils, students will paint along with the instructor and produce a sunflower painting. Topics during the two-hour period will include: how to mix a wide range of hues using only primary colors and white, techniques for painting with knives, the importance of hard and soft edges, and a focus on shapes and relationships/light and shadow, rather than objects. While the goal is for students to leave with a completed painting, emphasis will be on the joy of the process! Cost: $35 To register: www.bit.ly/CACArtRegistration
Original source can be found here.